Safe injection sites are controlled areas where people can inject legal or illicit drugs in controlled conditions. They are also known as supervised injection sites, safe injection facilities (SIFs), and supervised consumption facilities. Safe drug injection sites can reduce the risk of getting bloodborne diseases from shared needles. They can also reduce the risk of […]
Recovery is a hard road, there’s no denying it. The addict often wants to be better, wants to be sober and wants to refuse the next drink or hit. But as we know, too often the addiction trumps those desires. Recovery may seem daunting, if not impossible. But we know otherwise. At the end of […]
Recovering Champions Is an accredited drug and alcohol rehabilitation program, that believes addiction treatment should not just address “how to stay sober” but needs to transform the life of the addict and empower him or her to create a more meaningful and positive life. We are dedicated to transforming the despair of addiction into a purposeful life of confidence, self-respect and happiness. We want to give recovering addicts the tools to return to the outside world completely substance-free and successful.
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