Discover the difference between enabling vs. supporting a loved one in this guide from Recovering Champions.
Explore the profound impact of alcoholism on families and rebuild damaged relationships with Recovering Champions.
When recovering from drug addiction (also called substance use disorder), many people feel alone. That’s why most addiction treatment centers offer support groups and group therapy. These groups use a variety of activities to help people recover together. Here are twelve. 1. Check-Ins Many support group meetings and group therapy sessions start with check-ins. During […]
Here are seven exciting ways to keep your summer trips alcohol-free.
Cocaine is a white powder made from the leaves of the coca plant. Some people mix powder cocaine with water and baking soda to make smokeable rocks called crack cocaine (or just “crack”). While crack is usually smoked, it can also be snorted or injected. All forms of crack use pose serious health risks, including […]
Heroin is an opioid drug made from morphine, which is an opiate (natural opioid) found in the opium poppy plant. When snorted, smoked, or injected, heroin causes a rush of relaxation and happiness. Like other opioids, it’s highly addictive. Here are ten of the most common symptoms of heroin addiction. 1. Appearance Changes Heroin addiction […]
Siblings of people with substance use disorders (SUD) may feel they are ill-equipped to help, either when drug use is active or when a sibling enters a treatment program for addiction. However, just because you don’t have personal experience with substance abuse or treatment at an inpatient or outpatient rehab center doesn’t mean you can’t […]
When you’re in a romantic relationship with someone in drug or alcohol addiction recovery, it can be difficult to know how to support them without enabling or becoming codependent. However, there are several healthy ways to support them while they attend addiction treatment and after they leave. Show Your Support Being supportive of your significant […]
When a loved one recovering from alcohol or drug addiction relapses, it can be difficult to know what to say or how to help. Luckily, there are a few non-judgemental things you can say that allow you to support and encourage the person in their time of need. Here are seven. 1. “This Doesn’t Mean […]
It’s not easy to watch someone you love battle alcohol or drug addiction (also called substance use disorder). At times, you may feel completely helpless. You can fight this feeling by helping your loved one get treatment at an alcohol or drug rehab center. Here’s how. 1. Learn The Signs Of Addiction Many people with […]
Recovering Champions Is an accredited drug and alcohol rehabilitation program, that believes addiction treatment should not just address “how to stay sober” but needs to transform the life of the addict and empower him or her to create a more meaningful and positive life. We are dedicated to transforming the despair of addiction into a purposeful life of confidence, self-respect and happiness. We want to give recovering addicts the tools to return to the outside world completely substance-free and successful.
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